? medianet_width=’600′;medianet_height=’120′;medianet_crid=’711758437′;Online marketing champaign illinois is a large topic, and the following article marketing tips comprise just a small part of it. The term does not refer to the actual article writing, but rather in its purer sense of how articles should be marketed to achieve their intended purpose. So before you even commence writing an article, you should first be fully aware of how it will be used and how it should be constructed to meet that objective.What is Article Marketing?The term is grossly misuse by those who should know better, including myself. Technically, the term refers to the marketing of articles, and not to the use of articles in marketing. However, to press this point would be leave one open to accusation of pedantry, often by those guilty of the same sin in their own fields on online marketing.Fundamentally, articles can be used to advertise websites, and click through page up the coming internet them promote products. Article writing, whether for website content or for submission to article directories, generally involves the description of a topic and its solution, or a review of a product or website. It should fundamentally provide interesting information that people will read, and generally offers a link at the end which readers can use to get to a website offering more information or a product that can help solve the problem.Article Submission RulesThere are several rules that have developed over the years, both by the directory administrators and by the search engines that publish them online. Here are a few of these rules applied by Google of which you should be aware when you use article marketing to promote your website or products in online marketing champaign illinois.Word Count: The length of your article should be no less than 400 words. Many say 500, but although Google will list 400-word content, many article directories will accept no less than 500 words. Personally, I will write no less than 500 words for my clients.Keywords: The use of keywords is rapidly becoming redundant. Excessive use of pertinent words can now be punished, and Ezine Articles accepts no more than a 2% keyword density (KD) for published articles. Back in the day, pages upon pages of Adsense articles could be generated with multiple-figure keyword counts – sometimes as high as 10% or even more. Then it was reduce to around 5%, but now even 3% is too much.On-Topic: Your articles must be on-topic: the Google latent semantic indexing (LSI) algorithm checks your use of vocabulary and not only makes sure that you remain within the keyword guidelines but also that your content is faithful to the topic. This algorithm is programmed to recognize synonyms of the search terms people use to find information, and list those that appear most relevant to those terms.If your page is filled with keywords but little content, the LSI algorithm will pick up on that and reject your page. Good content with no specific keywords can now get a high ranking. Keywords are not redundant yet, but are becoming increasingly less important, and you can get a high listing for a keyword that is contained only in the first and last paragraphs as well as in the title.Marketing ArticlesYou can market your promotional articles in many different ways. Here are a few:Web page contentArticle directoriesPDF Directories (e.g. Scribd, DocShare)Social networking sites ( e.g. Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Friendster)Social Bookmarking sites (e.g. StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Delicious)Squidoo lensesVideo Directories (e.g. YouTube)And there are many more types of website that accept articles or videos as promotional items.When marketing your articles you should be certain that they will be read. Your fist step is to make sure they are published in popular directories, and that the topic is a popular one. If not, then at least make your title exciting and entice people to read the article. Once you have them there then keep them there until they reach the link to your website. By taking these article marketing tips, you success with online marketing should improve significantly.More information on using article marketing as part of your online marketing strategy can be found on Pete’s website Article Services. Pete uses article marketing in all his successful online marketing ventures.
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