Before the Internet came along and changed human behavior forever, small business marketing was pretty straightforward. An entrepreneur had merely to focus his or her efforts on offline marketing strategies to maximize returns.With the introduction of the Internet, however, entrepreneurs have now been presented with a piece of technology that has already begun to revolutionize the way businesses market and sell their products and services. ? It has become the quintessential medium for entrepreneurs to gain better competitive advantage and stronger economic footing in their marketplace.As exciting as the Internet is for entrepreneurs, however, it inevitably poses a new set of challenges for small businesses, specifically in marketing. So, if you’re a tad bit confused about creating your marketing strategy to fit today’s global marketplace, then here are 7 small business marketing strategies that you and every other entrepreneur should know about:1. Start A BlogYou know a marketing champaign illinois strategy is working extremely well if Microsoft is using it. The revolution of the Internet made websites mandatory for any business seeking an online presence, but the evolution of the Internet has made it mandatory for entrepreneurs to start blogging. There’s a lot that should be said about blogging, but in a nutshell, it is a distributed media that entrepreneurs create and relinquish control to their audience (prospects and customers) to establish a long-lasting customer relationship.Blogs are probably the quickest way to create awareness and draw attention to your business, building trust with your prospects and removing perceived risk by tearing down communication barriers. It puts a human face to your business, illuminating an element of business transparency your customers can easily identify with.2. Network Online And OfflineNetworking is seldom referred to as a marketing strategy and those who undervalue its potential to grow a business couldn’t be more wrong. The proof of this is in the popularity of social networking sites like and So popular are these digital networking sites in today’s Web 2.0 era that there is practically a site created around every interest imaginable.Networking sites like and are specifically centered on like-minded small-business entrepreneurs like you and are perfect platforms for seeking out new business opportunities and partnerships.Let’s not forget the traditional methods of networking as well, such as attending seminars and business events which, although outshone by website coming mouse page click the up current frenzy of online social networks, still play a huge role in carving out big chunks of business opportunities.3.//” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen>?
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